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Do not eat anything heavy for two to three hours before a class because practising the yoga asanas also has an impact on internal organs, particularly on the digestive system.

Inform your teacher if you have your period, are pregnant or have any health problems that could influence the correct yoga practice. Yoga is good for you as long as you do not push yourself too hard and know your limits.

Please arrive five minutes before the class starts to give you enough time to get changed, set up your mat and switch off your mobile phone.

Studio Yoga Matelica


What do I need to wear in a yoga class?

Wear something comfortable that allows you to move freely. It is important that the teacher can see the alignment of your body while you practise the yoga asanas. The practice of Iyengar Yoga requires adherence to the pavement and therefore is practised with bare feet.

How do you feel after a yoga class?

After class, students often report feeling energised and rested even though they had felt tired and exhausted before the class.

I have never done yoga before and I am not very flexible. Can I participate in the classes?

Yes, you can take part in the classes and do not need to be flexible. However, regular yoga practice will make you more flexible.

Will we meditate during the classes?

“Asana is meditation in action.” (BKS Iyengar). When you practise yoga asanas your mind is alert, active and focussed on the actions of the postures and on the breathing. Practising the postures is meditation in itself. Usually there is a relaxation period at the end of the class.

I have chronic backache. Can I do yoga?

Yes, unless your doctor tells you not to. Everyone works according to his or her own abilities. There are special positions that help to strengthen the back and the muscles. It is important to inform the teacher before the lesson if you have back problems.

Should I bring something to class?

The school provides all you need for practice but you may bring your own props. With the props of the Iyengar method - belts, bricks, cushions, weights, chairs and ropes - everyone has the possibility to work within their own capability.

What is yoga?

Yoga means harmony or union between body, mind and spirit. It developed 3,000 years ago as a technique to achieve psychophysical well-being, reinforce the body and increase vital energy.

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga is one form of yoga, based on a series of exercises for the body (asana) and for breathing (pranayama). In Sanskrit asana means 'comfortable position, maintained with ease and without effort', while pranayama means 'control of the breath'.

Who was BKS Iyengar?

The late BKS Iyengar was an internationally renowned yoga master from India. He was one of the first masters to spread yoga in the West.