Easter 2025 Residential Yoga Retreat

yoga holiday easter 2025, yoga retreat easter italy, yoga con karin easter 2025, yoga easter umbria orvieto


We will be practising standing, sitting and inverted, as well as restful and restorative postures. Everyone will work within his or her own capability. You will be able to build up a strong foundation for your own practice. The language of instruction is English and Italian.


Orvieto, of Etruscan origin, is one of the most striking and memorable hill-top towns in Italy. Less than 90 minutes from Rome, Orvieto sits majestically above the valley on a hill of volcanic stone overlooking the Umbrian plains. Orvieto’s pleasant and lively historic centre is ideal for enjoying the Italian dolce vita: go shopping, stroll around or have a coffee or an aperitivo in one of the many bars or a snack in one the small delis. A car is not necessary: Orvieto is a small town and you can walk to and from most places.

  • easter 2025 retreat, yoga karin easter 2025, umbria yoga holiday
  • easter 2025 yoga residential retreat, yoga karin easter 2025, umbria yoga holiday easter, easter yoga italy
  • easter 2025 yoga holiday, yoga karin easter 2025, umbria yoga retreat easter. 17 until 21 april 2025 yoga easter

Accommodation & Yoga Space

The accommodation will be in the “CASA DI ACCOGLIENZA RELIGIOSA SAN LODOVICO” located in Piazza de' Ranieri 5 in Orvieto. A splendid and suggestive place, full of peace, it is a stone's throw from the middle of the historical town centre. All rooms are clean and spacious and have views of the surrounding countryside, of Orvieto’s rooftops or of the internal gardens of the monastery and are equipped with private bathrooms.


The all-in cost of the course is €630 based on you arriving on the 17th and leaving on the 21st of April. This is split into €300 for the yoga tuition, €130 for four brunches and two dinners and €200 for the single room en-suite accommodation in the monastery.
